tidal friction


tidal friction: the frictional effect of the tidal wave especially in shallow waters lengthening the tidal epoch and tending to retard the rotational velocity of the earth and so increase very slowly the length of the day.

tidal friction is a generative collection that explores the textures and structures of sand, wind and the tides.

  • 365 pieces

    “tidal friction” features 365 unique pieces, one for every day of the year. Each piece of the collection is created by millions of dots and features one of 38 carefully crafted color palettes, inspired by and named after songs.

  • unique organic texture

    At the core of “tidal friction” is the unique organic texture, modeled after sand in all its different states. Together, the texture, color and structure of each piece form a completely unique visual experience.

  • made to be printed

    “tidal friction” was created to be printed and placed in your home. Each piece will be available in 36MP resolution to allow printing even in large formats and can be ordered as print from the gen.art print shop.


inspired by sand, wind and tides.


It all started with a picture I took in Morocco eight years ago. As I was driving through the oasis of Skoura, a light sandstorm passed over the area and I took an analog photo of the scene from the car. I rediscovered that image a while back and started thinking of sand and the role it plays in the formation of our environment. From beaches to deserts, from mountains to the sandstone buildings of historic cities, sand is omnipresent. And the cyclical creation and re-creation of sand is strongly interlocked with the rhythm of the tides.

“tidal friction” explores the structures and textures of sand and the tides. It is named after the frictional effect that tidal movement has on the rotation of the earth, an effect that finally results in making our days longer.

Skoura, Morocco, 2014

tidal friction, 2022

365 unique pieces.

“tidal friction” is composed of 365 unique outputs that are generated by a p5.js script. The collection features 38 unique color palettes, 5 background colors and 7 differentiating traits. The resulting images are unique in composition and color, yet united by their organic texture.

colored by music.

“tidal friction” features 38 different color palettes. Each palette is inspired by and named after a song that played a role in y life so far. From Tom Waits to Young M.A., the resulting playlist spans across styles and decades. Listen to it while you flip through the collection.

8.5 million dots.

Every piece in the tidal friction collection is generated by placing more than 8.5 million dots on virtual canvas.

tidal friction

a generative collection by r0zk0